We are happy to announce a beautiful litter of Cane Corso puppies, ready to go home now. From our two family raised Cane Corsos. I have 3 generations of females, and males on site. They are
We have an adorable, button-nosed Maltese litter that arrived on July 12, 2024. Please call 519-664-0645 for price.
These six wagging puppies include two girls and four boys. All healthy
We have 5 charming F1 Mini Bernedoodles, ready to bring joy and love into your life! Born from papered purebred parents with comprehensive genetic testing and clear health records, these pup
Hii! Papa is looking for a new home. He is fully trained with his shots. He is very friendly too. He is almost a full 4 months old looking for a forever family. He loves to play. If youre intrested i…
Rosa our Miniature Schnauzer and Maverick our ShihTzu had a 4 Beautiful girls. 2 are available. Theia and Lulu
Prefect mix of Smart Schnauzer and Chill ShihTzu.
Our Miniature Schnauzer/ ShihTzu…
Only 1 puppy left!!!
3 tiny tiny purebred toy poodle puppies, beautiful and heathy… born on August 18th.
2 males and 1female available:
Red male $3000 (SOLD)
Red female $3200 (SOLD)
Red male…
I am selling my 1yr 6mo old Female Rottweiler. She is well-behaved, loves to cuddle, and enjoys relaxing in the sun. She is great with kids, cats, and other dogs. I have a 2.5yo toddler, 4 cats, and …
He is from Abbotsford BC, pure bred his parents are CKC registered. Sweetest pup. Unfortunately I have to rehome him because my work changed and I travel way too much to give him a happy life.
We have a new litter of puppies for sale. And on 2 weeks will be ready for new homes we are a breeding business out of new Brunswick are company is executive kennels please contact us by text at thi…
Just over a year great dog all shots neutered just got too strong for me..very affectionate..gets along with people and other dogs..not sure about cats..loves car rides and walks