UPDATE: WE HAVE ONE MALE PUPPY NOT YET RESERVED! He is white with tan touches, very sweet and affectionate.
Our multi-colored litter of havanese puppies was born June 28th. The will be ready for their new approved homes the end of August. A pup from Seantiago will:
-have dew claws removed
-have multiple wormings
-be microchipped
-have first set of shots and full vet health check up
-come with 4 weeks of pet insurance, food sample and blanket/scent toy
-be registered as purebred with the CKC
We are willing to drive pups to Horseshoe Bay for our mainland clients, to save the travel to the interior.
A deposit of $150 is required to secure a puppy. Please note we are not currently able to sell pups to the US.
Please visit our website at www.seantiagohavanese.com
email at seantiago2002@gmail.com or give us a call at 250-984-1310.